No, I want a traditional, conservative wife and I don’t want an ambitious, open-minded, educated woman.
No, vull una esposa tradicional i conservadora i no vull una dona ambiciosa, de ment oberta i educada.
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Not the wife, not the kids.
Ni l’esposa, ni els nens.
Font: TedTalks
I want you to be my wife.
Vull que siguis la meva esposa.
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His wife is not known.
La seva esposa no és coneguda.
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Wife or daughter of Salomó Cabrit.
Esposa o filla de Salomó Cabrit.
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It is not appropriate to set up provisions for the wife.
No pertoca establir aliments per a l’esposa.
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She’d make a good wife for the cashier.
Seria una bona esposa per al caixer.
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Wife, why do you look at me in that way?
Esposa, per què em mires d’aquesta manera?
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He had a wife, three sons, and three daughters.
Tenia esposa, tres fills i tres filles.
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His wife, Linda, teaches special education.
La seva esposa, Linda, ensenya educació especial.
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